
湘少版英语三年级下册 Unit 7 What shape is this 教案

  • 发布时间:2010-02-10 10:13:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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What shape is this 的教学设计及评析
教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书(湘少版)英语三年级下册 Unit 7
1.语言目标:能熟练掌握所教的单词:circle, triangle, rectangle, square和句型What shape is it? It is a…。
本课设计的重点在于培养学生的形象思维和分组用形状设计图形,并熟练使用What shape is it?和It is a …这两个句型来谈论图形。为了实现和完成学习任务,教学活动的展开是以阶段性子任务达成方式来设计的。(1)通过游戏和设置任务活动让学生操练掌握四种形状,突破单词难点。(2)通过游戏和设置任务活动操练掌握句型“What shape is it?” “It is a…”.(3)通过做一些有关形状的思维题,拓展学生的形象思维。(4)通过最后设置一个任务掌握并应用四种形状和句型,询问学生看到哪些东西来培养学生的发散性思维.
Step 1 Warming:
Greeting :
T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.
Ss: Hello, Miss Huang. Nice to meet you too.
Step 2 Presentation:
T: Now please follow me. Let’s look for some shapes. (板书课题 shape) Look the screen carefully please, what can you see? (课件中出示两辆在起跑线上的赛车,1号车是正方形轮胎的车,2号车是圆形轮胎的车) Ss: There are two cars…
T: Yes, the two cars will have a race. Can you guess which car can run faster? No.1 or No.2 car. S1: No.1 car. S2: No.2 car….T: The competition start, let’s say “come on” together and see which car is the winner. Ss: Come on, come on… (课件中出示到达终点时2号车领先)
T: Which car is the winner? Ss: No.2. T: Why? Because wheels can run faster. (老师边用鼠标指着两辆车上的有关形状的轮胎和旗帜边介绍形状) It’s a circle. Look here, it’s a square. Boys and girls what can you see on the No.1 car? It’s a flag. Is it a circle? Is it a square? It’s a triangle. What shape is the flag on the No.2 car? It’s a rectangle.(板书 a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle)
Step 3 Practice:
1. Let students listen and show.
There are five groups and each group has a pair of the four shapes. T says the four shapes and students say after T together and show the shape. Which group is the fastest and which group is the winner.
2. Look for shapes in the classroom and show them.
S1: Look at the window, it’s a rectangle. S2: Look here, it’s a square.
Competition: We say, you do action.
T sticks the four shapes’ cards on the floor of the classroom. When students look for shapes in the classroom, they will look for these four shapes’ cards. T asks one student to show shapes’ cards one by one and all students say the words together one by one, then T asks a boy and a girl to make a competition to listen and jump on the shapes.
Step 4 Presentation of the new pattern:
Game1: Let students do some puzzles. (课件中出示四种形状的碎片)
the No.1 puzzle T: What shape is it? Ss: It’s a square. (板书句型 What shape is it? It’s…)
the other three puzzles Ss: What shape is it? S1: It’s a… S2: It’s a …
Step 5 Practice:
IQ test: Let students do some IQ test about shapes.
Task: Let students guess pictures.
T: What shape is this? S1: It’s a … S2: … T: Guess, what’s this? S1: … S2: …
Step 6 Extension:
Make a picture with the shapes:
Let students choose one shape to make a picture. Then T asks students to show the picture. For example: S1: Draw a shape and ask others: what shape is it? It’s a … Guess what is this, please. Then continue to draw and to ask..
Step 7 Ending:
Let students listen and learn to sing a shape song.

Blackboard design:
What shape is it?
It’s a triangle.

本课的教学内容是单词:circle, triangle, rectangle, square和句型What shape is it? It is a…的学习。设计采取游戏方式开展教学,尝试将美术学科的有关知识有机的融入到英语教学中,配合生动有趣的课件和一些灵活的有关形状的思维题,把小学的美术知识与英语的一些句型、词汇紧密地结合在一起,有效地体现了学科综合化的新课程理念。