
新目标初三Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?教案


Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?
The Third Period (读写课)
一 教学目标
1 知识目标 学会用形容词和定语从句介绍一些著名的旅游胜地
2 能力目标 学会谈论喜欢去旅游的地方
3 情感目标 了解世界不同的自然风光及人文景观,热爱地球这个生命共同的家园。
二 教学重难点
1 Where would you like to…?
I would like to…
2 Isn’t it supposed to be…?
三 教具准备 多媒体
四 教学方法 Task-Based Language Teaching
五 教学进程
Step1 Organization
1 Greetings with each other
2 Check the homework of last lesson
Step2 Presention
1 T: We have two long vacations every year. What do you plan for your vacations? Do you love traveling? What did you do on your last vacations? Do you go anywhere beautiful, interesting? Where would you like to go most? Let’s talk about the places you would like to go? And why?
Not to visit Want to visit
Mexico,jungle,etc. Beijing,Hawaii,Australia
reasons reasons
I don’t know the language and it’s more dangerous They are fascinating, thrilling and educational.

Ss: Answer these questions one by one.
2 Using the flashcards to show a picture of Paris, ask the students to guess where this is.
3 Look at the picture of Paris and listen to the tape(twice), then ask the Ss to tell something about Paris. (liveliest, fantastic, famous, convenient, expensive, wine)
4 Open the books and read the newspaper article about Paris and circle the things you like about visiting Paris. Underline the things you don’t like. (Practise)
5 Find the difficulties.学生找出语言点,学生解释,教师起辅助作用。
1) For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?
▲ Why not do?= Why don’t you do?
▲ consider 考虑,细想。 后跟名词或动名词。Please consider my suggestion.
2) Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.
One of the liveliest cities
3) It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains.
4) Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.
5) France is quite an expensive place.
6) Isn’t it supposed to be very hot?
6 Pairwork
Please look at the pictures and talk about it, then make conversations.
Example: A: Where would you like to go, Kathy?
B: I’d like to visit Kunming.
A: Isn’t it supposed to be very hot?
B: Yes, it is. I’m only going to pack light clothes. But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights.
7 Pairwork(学生拿出准备好的图片)
Think of a city you know, make a list of things you like and things you don’t like about the city, then talk to your partner about it.
(city name)
Things you like Things you don’t like

六 作业设计 write a composition (写一篇80字左右的短文)
哈尔滨在中国北部, 冬天那儿非常冷, 气温有时在零下30度。 但那儿却非常美丽, 到处冰天雪地, 还有为期六周的冰雪节。 那儿旅馆的房间非常便宜,每晚100元就足够了。 欢迎你到哈尔滨来, 别忘了穿上你暖和的衣服!那儿特别冷。
七 板书设计
Unit 7Where would you like to visit?
1) For your next vacation, why notconsider visiting Paris?
▲Why not do?= Why don’t you do?
▲ consider考虑,细想。后跟名词或动名词。Please consider my suggestion.
2) Paris is the capital of France, and is one ofthe liveliest cities in Europe.
One of the liveliest cities
3)It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains.
4) Traveling around Paris by taxi cancost a lot of money.
5) France is quite an expensive place.
6) Isn’t it supposed to be very hot?

Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?
The Fourth Period(综合训练课)
1 知识目标 掌握本单元的基本单词和短语, 学习大量的描述性形容词.
2 能力目标 掌握提建议的表达方法, 提高语言交际能力。
3 情感目标 通过学习, 开阔眼界, 加深对世界各地的了解, 培养自觉保护地球,保护环境的优良品质。
二 学习向导
语言功能 谈论你想去游览的地方;关于旅游的对话
语言目标 用would like to do 句型进行问答
用I hope 句式谈论希望和愿望
语言结构 条件状语从句
重点词汇 Jungle historic educational tiring
学习策略 把想参观旅游的地方进行分类
学具准备 一些景点的照片

三 教学重难点
1 I’d like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations.
2 I hope to visit Hawaii some day.
四 教具准备 多媒体
五 教学方法 Task-Based Language Teaching
六 教学进程
1 Greetings with each other.
2 Do the exercises. Fill in each blank with the correct word given, change the form of the word if necessary, then check the answers.
1) Could you ___ me with information about student exchange programs?
2) My mother is going to ___ Beijing Duck tonight. Would you like to come for dinner?
3) I’m ___ my money so I can buy a new bicycle.
4) Shanghai is cold this time of year. You need to ___ warm clothes if you go there.
5) We’re going to Africa on vacation. We ___ to see some elephants.
3 Using the flashcards, and ask the Ss to choose one place, and write an article about why you would like to go there..(以我最喜欢的假期为题,进行英语交际)
I visited Chicago because I love big cities. We went to the zoo because we like animals. The traffic was heavy, but we took the subway all the time…
4 Divide the Ss into several groups and talk about “hopes” and “dreams”. Tell the other Ss the difficulties between hope and dream.

5 We all dream about things that we would like to do, and things we hope to achieve in the future. But are everybody’s the same?
★ Read slowly , then underline information that you think is important to remember.
★ Underline key points as you read, to remember what you read.
★ Read faster the second time you read.
6 Listen to the tape
★Read only the parts you underlined. Do you get a clear picture of the content? If not, read it again slowly, and underline more key points.
★Read for the second time, faster than the first time. How many of the questions can you answer without looking back at the reading?
1) Why do some Ss want to start work as soon as possible?
2) What is important to Ss about the work they do?
3) What example is given of an impossible dream?
7 Discuss the following questions in small groups with reference to the reading.
1) Is there anyone in the world who does not hope or dream?
2) Might the dreams of Chinese teenagers be different from others?
3) Can dreams come true?
8 Write a dream you have, share your thoughts with a friend who might help you see how you could achieve this dream. Together list the small steps you could take to do so.
七 作业设计
Write a composition: If I were the headmaster of our school
Unit7 Where would you like tovisit?
1 I’d love to sailacross the Pacific.
2 We received severaldifferent answers to the question.
Receive: I received a letter from mybrother.
The answer to the question/ the key to thedoor
3 Other students hopeto continue studying after finishing school.
Hope: I hope to go to college one day.
Continue: He continued working in the field, though itwas dark.

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