
Lesson13 How’s the Weather Today?教学设计、反思

  • 发布时间:2009-09-02 17:06:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Lesson13: How’s the Weather Today?教学反思

教学目标:Enable the students master the vocabulary  about weather, and describe the weather. To develop their ability of communication.

教学重、难点:How’s the weather today?  Its _____.

教具、学具:录音机、磁带、图片cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, windy、多媒体课件。



1.  课前唱英语歌曲:the months song

2.  问候学生:how are you? What day is it?复习月份和日期的说法.

3Game :Find the card.教师法指令,让学生找到相应的天气图片。

 T: Its ______.

 S: (find out the correct card) Its ____.(通过找卡片加深学生对天气词汇的印象,巩固言语材料。)

二、New Concept:

4.Demostrate weather adjectives with a real example and pictures. Draw different weather adjectives in  five windows”通过图片复习相关词汇,句型。Point to each picture and lead a dialogue such as

T Look It is——Say it please, class.

C :  It is——.

T :  How the weather today?  Its _____. Say it please.

T : (Point out the classroom ) Hows the weather today?

C : ——

T : Yes! Its _____.

5Look at the pictures , and then say out hows   the weather.

T: Is it rainy? 

C: Yes/No.

T : Is it sunny? Yes, Its sunny, not rainy.


6Do you know hows the weather in the book? Lets see it together.


7Practice: hows the weather in our city ? lets see the weather in hebei . Make up a dialogue about weather.

(出示河北省天气情况的课件,让学生做个天气预报员。发展思维能力,灵活运用句型Hows the weather? Its ____.发展学生自主学习,交际能力,巩固所学知识。)


Sing a song : the months song


这节课我以贴近学生的生活的日期月份入手,从开课歌曲开始就为学生创设了一个真实的语言环境,通过游戏,竞赛调动学生参与课堂的积极性,既达到了很好的复习效果,又为新句型Hows the weather todayIts ____作了铺垫。课堂练习时,我根据不同的学生,进行分层次教学,使各层面的学生有所得。最后,又以学生日常所见的天气预报形式,将整堂课的教学内容串联起来,让学生用所学过的语言知识,进行自由交际,达到综合运用的目的。
