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PEP BOOK6 单元知识点梳理
目标要求 Unit 2 My Favorite Season
二会单词 always, play with, snow, leaf(leaves), up, north, Halloween, Thanksgiving
三会单词 /
四会单词 spring, summer, fall, winter, season, which, best, swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees, why, because, sleep
三会句型 1.What’s your favorite season?
2.What’s the weather like in …?
3.We go up north.
4.--What would you like to do? --I’d like to ….

四会句型 1.--Which season do you like best? --I like winter best.
2.Summer is good, but fall is my favorite season.
3.--Why do you like summer? --Because I can swim in the lake.
4.--Why do you like winter? --Because I can sleep a long time.
语 音 了解字母组合air, ear, sp, sk的发音规律,并能读出相关的例词。
歌 曲 《 What’s Your Favorite Season》
文化意识 了解南、北半球在季节、天气上的不同。

目标要求 Unit 1 This Is My Day
二会单词 about, policeman, rain, either, next
三会单词 work, tell

四会单词 do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have English class, play sports, eat dinner, when, evening, get up, at, usually, noon, climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go hiking, weekend, often, sometimes
三会句型 1.Thank you for telling me about your day.
2.Let’s …together next Sunday.
3.The weather report says it’s going to rain tomorrow. I can’t play football in the rain. I can’t go hiking, either.

四会句型 1.--When do you eat dinner? --I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.
2.--When do you get up? --I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.
3.--What do you do on the weekend? --Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.
语 音 了解字母组合ai, ay, gr, gl的发音规律,并能读出相关的例词。
歌 曲 《Weekend》
文化意识 了解白天、黑夜、工作日、周末等相关概念以及中西方中小学生作息时间安排上的异同。

目标要求 Unit 3 My Birthday
二会单词 chant, cousin, send, e-card, able, everyone, then
三会单词 January, February, March, April, August, September, October, November, December, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth,
四会单词 Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., birthday, uncle, her, date
三会句型 1.--How many birthdays are there in January? --There are….
2.--When is your Independence Day? --It’s July 4th.
3.--Who has a birthday in October? --Me.
4.Then she won’t be able to see the card.
5.Everyone likes to get birthday cards.

四会句型 1.--When is your birthday? --My birthday is in February.
2.--Is your birthday in February, too? --No, My birthday is in…
3.--When is your birthday? --It’s in may.
4.--My birthday is in June. --Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.
5.--Is her birthday in June? --Yes.
6.--What’s the date? --June 9th.
语 音 了解字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh的发音规律,并能读出相关的例词。
歌 曲 《When Is Your Birthday》
文化意识 了解中西方共有的或特有的节日和风俗。

目标要求 Unit 4 What Are You Doing
二会单词 talk, Children’s Center, see you later, speak to, hold on, call
三会单词 /

四会单词 drawing pictures,cooking dinner,reading a book,answering the phone,
1istening to music,cleaning the room, writing a letter, writing an e-mail, doing the dishes, washing clothes, grandpa, mom, study
三会句型 1.Do you want to go to the Children’s Center?
2.--What is your father doing? --He’s writing an e-mail.
3.--Can I speak to…? --P1ease ho1d on.
4.There is a call for you.
5.--How’s everybody doing? --Just fine.

四会句型 1.This is Zhang Peng.
2.--What are you doing? --I’m doing the dishes/reading a book.
3.Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.
4. He’s writing an e-mail in the study.
语 音 了解字母组合oo,ou,tr,tw的发音规律,并能读出相关的例词。
歌 曲 《 What Are You Doing》
文化意识 了解中国及主要英语国家的紧急救助电话号码。

目标要求 Unit 5 Look At The Monkeys
二会单词 trunk, climber
三会单词 /

四会单词 flying, jumping, walking, running, swimming, sleeping, climbing, fighting, swinging, drinking water, kangaroo
三会句型 1.Look at the tigers! It’s jumping! The rabbit is running.
2.The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.
3.--What are the elephants doing? --They’re drinking.
4.Here come two tigers.
5.--Can tigers really swim? --Yes, they can.
6.They’re good climbers.
四会句型 1.--What is it doing?-- It’s eating bananas.
2.--What is she doing? --She’s running.”
3.--What are they doing? --They are swimming. /They are climbing trees.”。
语 音 了解字母a及组合ar, sm, sl的发音规律,并能读出相关的例词。
歌 曲 《 Animals, Animals Are Everywhere 》
文化意识 了解一些有关考拉和袋鼠的知识。

目标要求 Unit 6A Field Trip
二会单词 wood, ant, interesting, thing, him, leave, us, over there
三会单词 have a look

四会单词 taking pictures,watching insects,picking up leaves,doing an experiment,catching butterflies, counting insects,collecting leaves,writing a report, playing chess, having a picnic, honey
三会句型 1.--What’s Sarah doing ? --She’s doing an experiment.
2.What do ants like to eat? They don’t like it.
四会句型 1.--Are you eating lunch?--No, we aren’t.
2.--Are they eating the honey? --Yes,they are.
3.--Is he playing chess? --Yes , he is. 4.--Is she counting insects? -No, she isn’t.
语 音 了解字母组合y, igh, qu的发音规律,并能读出相关的例词。
歌 曲 《Field Trips》
文化意识 了解郊游的常识。