
朗文版五年级下册英语教案 Unit3 Changes in our city(Part A)




Unit3 Changes in our city(Part A)Teaching plan
1. Warm up. Have a greeting and free talk.
T: What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? How did you come to school this morning?
T: did you come to school by subway? Where can you see a subway?(show a PPT picture)
S: I can see it in Shenzhen.
2. Lead in.
T: Shenzhen is a city, yes or no?
S: Yes.
T: 20 years ago, Shenzhen was a poor and ugly city. Now, it becomes a rich and beautiful city. Today, we will learn the changes of Shenzhen. Let’s learn Unit 3 Changes in our city.
3. Presentation.
(1) Play a guessing game. Guess who he is.
T: Before we learn this Unit. I want you to guess one person. He is very famous and popular. He is the host of “饭没了秀” and “国学小讲堂”Can you guess?
S: He is Qiangzi Brother.
T: Yes, you’re right. Last week, Qiangzi Brother called me to choose and English reporter to him. The English reporter can introduce the changes of Shenzhen. Do you want to try?
S: Yes.
T: Now, let’s learn the difference between 20 years ago and now in Shenzhen.
(2) Describe Shenzhen of 20 years ago according to the PPT picture. Encourage the students to use the past tense of “There be”.
(3) Learn the sentence pattern “Was/Were there---?” and the new words “bridge, harbour, ferry pier” by means of PPT pictures.
T: Was there a train 20 years ago in Shenzhen? S: Yes, there was.
T: Were there boats 20 years ago in Shenzhen? S: Yes, there were.
T: Was there a bridge / harbour/ ferry pier?
(Encourage the students to recall one word similar with bridge , that’s “fridge”)
(4) Describe today’s Shenzhen according to the PPT picture and the new words “subway, highway, tunnel, building, factory”
S: Shenzhen is very beautiful / clean/ rich.
T: Is there a subway? S: Yes, there is.
T: Are there highways? S: Yes, there are.
T: There are some tunnels / buildings / factories.
4. Practice.
(1) Consolidate the new words by games. (Guessing game)
(2) Compete to be an English reporter.
T: Now, let’s compete to be an English reporter. Are you ready? Look at the form. Try to say something. I will give you two minute to practise in pairs.
Choose individuals to act as an English reporter. Introduce Shenzhen with Microphone.
5. Sum up.
6. Homework.
Introduce the changes in Shenzhen to your partner.
Board Design
Unit 3 Changes in our city
Was/ Were there --- in Shenzhen 20 years ago?
Yes, there was / were.
No, there wasn’t/ weren’t.
我在五(1)上了一节研讨课,上课内容是Unit3 Changes in our city(Part A)。 这个单元的重点是there be句型的过去式,包括there be句型的一般疑问句和陈述句的运用。所以,本节课就采用对比现在的深圳和20年前的深圳的方式,通过图片体现了深圳从过去到现在的变化,自然导入了本节课的主题和主要句型,学生能清楚地理解there be句型的现在时态和过去时态。利用PPT的图片,让学生直观地理解所学的单词和句型。采用guessing game帮助学生巩固单词,从学生的反应速度来看,大部分积极投入到课堂中,学生都掌握得比较好。采用任务型教学,在导入的过程中就注意给学生设计任务,让学生在任务活动的驱使下有目的地学习,以任务贯穿在整节课中,充分体现了语言的交际性。最后,让学生展示,从展示的成果来看,学生的综合运用语言的能力得到了锻炼和提高。这节课,还注重新旧知识的连贯,在学习新单词时,注意唤醒学生以前学过的相似单词,这节课的新单词bridge和上个学期学过的fridge。从学生的掌握程度看来,学生都学得比较扎实。但我上课时间把握不够好,导致最后一个环节“展示环节”时间不充分,如果在操练单词的时间缩短一些就不会导致后面环节时间的紧张。今后,在设计课的时候,我要注意把握好每个环节的时间分配。