
新标准英语一年级上册教案 Module2 Unit2 I’m a boy.

  • 发布时间:2012-09-06 15:41:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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版 本 新标准 学 科 英语
册 数 第一册 单 元 Module2 Unit2
课 题 I’m a boy.
课 时
教学目标 Using adjectives to describe animals .
教学重点 1. Grasp these sentences . Can read and use .
2. My name’s …. 3.I’m a boy \ girl.
教学难点 3.Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.

教学准备 CD-ROM,cadrds
教学板块 教与学预设
(师生活动) 教学重构
I. Warming-up and revision .
1.Greeting :
T: Say “Hello ” to everyone .
T: Sing the song form last lesson .
2. Review :
T: Hello, how are you ?
T: What’s your name ?
II. Leading-in .
T : Today, we’ll know a new friend. His name is Panpan. Ok, next let’s listen to tape that they introduce them.
III .Listen and reading activities .
1. Play tape.
T: Listening to the tape ,.Who is he?
2. Teach new words .
Panpan and panda
3. Ask the students to act Panpan .
4. Play tape.
T: Listening to the tape ,.Who is he?
5. Teach new word : boy
6. Ask the students to act Sam .
7. Play tape.
T: Listening to the tape ,.Who is she?
8. Teach new words :girl
9. Ask the students to act Amy .
IV. Further development
1. Look at the picture .
T: Let’s introduce myself
3. Listen and draw “ √ ” or “ X ” .
My name is Daming. I’m a boy. ( )
My name is Lingling. I’m a girl.( )
My name is Sam. I’m a girl.( )
My name is Amy. I’m a boy.( )
4.Play the tape.
5.Play the tape.
Module 1 Unit 1
I’m a boy.
I’m a girl.
I’m a panda.
