

  • 发布时间:2011-10-15 06:38:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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本节课的教学内容选自人教版新课标全日制普通高级中学教科书《英语》(必修)第一册(上)第七单元《文化遗产》的最后一课时,即(Reading and writing on) P48 “综合技能—写作训练”。通过本课时的教学后,将达到如下的课程目标:

1. 语言目标:掌握并运用以下重点词组与句式:
Key words and expressions: be worried about, air pollution, not…but, solve the problem
Key sentences: And we should build a website where people can look at the pictures and paintings.
There be / live / stand / lie / come /…+ subject.
I suggest (that)…
2. 能力目标:知道如何给编辑写信。
3. 情感、态度和价值观目标:通过系列活动,使学生明确如何在信中表达自己的情感和态度,从而树立正确的价值观。
4. 过程与方法目标:通过系列活动,提高学生保护文化遗产的意识,同时培养学生从阅读中获取信息的能力,并进行提取、加工的能力和分析问题的能力,让学生学会学会解决问题。


T: Let’s continue Unit 7 Cultural Relics. Now revise language points first. Look at the screen, please.
1) 有河的地方就有城市。Where there is a river, there is a city.
2) 圣彼得堡人民坚强不屈、充满自豪、团结一致。他们是俄罗斯当代的英雄。Strong, proud and united, the people of St. Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.
3) 包括 include 4) 代表,象征 represent
5) 使…恢复生气 bring…back to life 6) 变成废墟 in ruins
7) 变成碎片 in pieces 8) 实现 come true 9) 受到攻击 under attack
10) 看起来象神话里的东西 something out of a fairy tale

T: Now it’s time for duty report. Whose turn?


T:Would you like to look at some beautiful pictures?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok, Let’s look at the pictures on the screen and enjoy them.
Laozi Stone Statue, Zhenchenggong’s Memorial Hall, Daishan Waterfall, West Lake Park, The Great Wall, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Sydney Opera House in Australia ,The Pyramids in Egypt,Classical Gardens of Suzhou
T: Just now we saw the beautiful pictures. Would you like to go traveling to these places one day?

Ss: Yes, we’d like to.

T: But when you arrive there to find they have been destroyed, how would you feel?

S1: Disappointed.

T: So who can tell me why it is so important to protect cultural relics?

S1:One reason is that cultural relics can help us understand how people lived in the past; protecting our cultural relics is a way to help protect our history; cultural relics can help us understand who we are and where we come from.

T: Now, it’s your turn to show yours. Do you remember the homework?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good! Show some pictures of cultural relics which you have collected for homework and say something about them in English.

T: Who comes first?

S2: Let me have a try. ( The student opens his own E-mail box to show his homework: a picture of Dongxi Tower in Quanzhou)

Dear friends and classmates,
Good afternoon, today, we will talk about the scenic spots and historical sites in Quanzhou and its protection. Now , let us look at the picture of Dongxi Tower. It lies in Kaiyuan Temple in the west street of Quanzhou. The two towers, which have stayed up even in earthquakes, have displayed the high achievement of constructing the building and stone carving art of Quanzhou of Song Dynasty and have become the unique sign of the ancient city of Quanzhou and symbolized one historical relic that have experienced various life which reminds us of the past. But visitors are destroying them.They are littering everywhere at will , causing serious destruction. We have to take a series of protective measures, for example, closing the route to the inside of the towers. Protecting the towers has become one heated topic.Here are some protective measures:
1 Enforce the rules to protect historical relic recording those who break the rules and punish them.
2 Devote more efforts to develop the sense of protecting historical relic making people feel guilty when they are destroying the cultural relics.
My dear friends, let us protect the historical relics together!

T: Who else wants a try?

S3: Let me have a try. (The student uses her floppy disk to show her homework—some beautiful pictures of The Stonehenge in England)

This used to be Stonehenge It still is
Please help us fight for its future
The British government wants to construct a new
4-lane highway through the Stonehenge World Heritage site and its surrounding landscape
Less than 20% of the highway would be in a tunnel
Over 80% would be bulldozed at ground level or in deep cuttings
The stone circle would not be damaged or destroyed
But the highway would be massively destructive of the World Heritage Site around it
help us Save Stonehenge!今天学生都挺配合的,我开始不紧张了。学生的主动参与让我很感动。展示作业这一环节是我课前作为作业布置的,要求学生上网查找有关文化遗产的资料并用英语介绍,特别注意文化遗产的保护情况。要求学生把相关资料保存在邮箱里或保存到软盘上,以便课堂上展示。原来我还担心这一环节做不好,现在看来这种担心是多余的。我们教师应把主动性交还给学生,给学生多提供发展的空间。适当布置一些任务给学生,相信我们的学生是能够做好的。这两位学生不是做得很好吗?

T: Now you have finished your writing, let’s look at the one that Weidanyi(魏丹艺)has finished, OK?
(Ss look at the screen)
T: Can you make an evaluation?

S(黄秋霞): She introduced herself; she revealed the problem; she told of the causes of the problem; she made some suggestions.

T: You have done very well. Thank you very much. Now let’s go over the whole writing and make any changes where necessary, shall we?


