

  • 发布时间:2012-07-15 08:39:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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1. 认知目标:通过赏析范文,使学生了解记叙文的写作模式及方法。
2. 能力目标:通过讨论与合作,培养学生的协作、交际、口头表达等各方面的综合能力。
1. 心理恐惧。部分学生一见到英语写作就产生恐慌心理,特别是当看到有些情境难以用英语表达出来时,这种恐惧心理就更加“猖獗”。
2. 词汇缺乏。单词记忆混乱,经常张冠李戴。
3. 基本的语法知识不过关。大多数学生不清楚该用什么词来做什么句子成分。
4. 这一届很多学生基本功很差,学习比较懒散,不愿积累。
三、Teaching aims:
1.Enable the students to write a narration.
2.Develop the students’ cognitive strategies and form a good writing habit.
四、Teaching important and difficult points:
1.Guide the students to analyze the gist of narrative writing and to choose the
correct and proper words and phrases to express their ideas.
2. Train the students’ cooperative consciousness and the ability to complete the task together.
五、Teaching methods and means
1.Use teaching methods like elicitation, analysis, discussion, and summary.
2.Make use of multi-media
六、Teaching procedures:
Stage 1: Pre-writing
1. Lead-in
① Let the students appreciate a full-marked composition, then discuss the characteristics of the full-marked composition: variety in sentence structure, accuracy in wording and coherence in writing.
② Explain what a narration (state a fact) is and the basic requirements (six wh-words) of narrative writing.
Design purpose of the task: The purpose of full-marked composition is to let the students experience full-marked composition, imitate the full-marked composition and therefore arouse their writing interests; the learning of some writing knowledge can foreshadow the following writing training.
2.Present task one
① Let the students read a model composition in group of four students, then guide the students to analyze the composition audio-visually, at last summarize the mode of narrative writing: cause of the story—process of the story—result of the story—showing feelings.
② With the aid of the same composition, guide the students to analyze and experience the completeness of the content, the variety of the sentence structure, the accuracy of the wording and the coherence of the writing.
③ Summarize the specific requirements of a good narration.
Design purpose of the task: Summary of the writing mode, analysis of the model composition and the summary of a good narration go forward one by one, making the students understand the methods of narrative writing from the simple to the complex, from the easy to the difficult.
Stage 2: In-writing
Present task two
a. 叙述你或你的朋友被误解的一次真实或虚构的经历。
b. 你或你的朋友是如何处理误解的。
c. 误解导致的最终结果。
d. 你从中得到什么教训。
a. 短文必须包括上述的所有内容,可以适当增加细节,使文章连贯。
b. 题目自定。
①Let the students discuss in groups of four students, then decide their titles, list the main points, write down the key words and then form the outline according to the previous writing mode. Here is an example outline for reference:
An Unforgettable Experience
Cause of the story: I helped a woman to carry her shopping-bag.
Process of the story: She accepted my help. Later she found her purse lost. She thought I stole it.
Result of the story: A salesgirl gave the purse back to the woman and she was shamed in red.
Showing feelings: In our everyday life there are all kinds of misunderstandings. We should treat it with a tolerant heart.
②In groups, ask each member of the group to choose one part of the story to write and remind them to pay attention to the choice of the proper words and the variety of the sentence structures.
③Also in groups, ask the students to join the parts of the story together according to the logical relationship between the sentences and paragraphs. Guide the students to use “At first, then, at last” to show time order, use “thanks to, as a result” to show cause and effect.
④ Ask the students to complete their own composition in 15 minutes.
Design purpose of the task: Task Two provides the students with a situation that is similar to real life. Let the students “learn by doing”, which shows the purpose of task-based teaching; time-restricted writing can help the students to form a good writing habit and get prepared for College Entrance Examination.
Stage 3 Summary
Comments on students’ composition
The teacher chooses three difficult kinds of compositions, and then guides the students to evaluate them one by one according to the structure, completeness, expressions and coherence, finally form a fixed marking criterion. Then let the students give marks to each other or give marks by themselves according to the criterion.
Design purpose of the task: Various means of evaluation can better bring the initiative of the students into full play and consolidate what they have learnt about the writing knowledge and skills, thus complete the task better.
七、Assessment and reflection
Teachers’ reflection
1.Have all the teaching aims been reached? _________________
2.Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? ________________
3.What can be improved? _______________________
Students’ reflection
1. What impressed me most in the class? ________________
2. what haven’t I understood yet? ________________
3. In what aspect do I need improvement? ________________
Class activities assessment
Class: Name: Score:

Items Understandable 5 4 3 2 1
Logical 5 4 3 2 1
Creative 5 4 3 2 1
Active 5 4 3 2 1
Cooperative 5 4 3 2 1
Others 5 4 3 2 1