
外研版高一英语必修2 Module6写作教案

  • 发布时间:2012-07-15 08:30:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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高一英语外研版必修2 Module6写作教案

Teaching Goals:
1. To let Ss learn how to write a film page for a magazine, giving a brief description of each film.
2. 学会从背景、情节、角色和演员等方面来介绍自己最喜欢的电影、导演和电视节目。
Teaching procedures: Pre-writing
1. Group Work
Ask Ss to read the Reading and Vocabulary again, and try to fill in the table.
The name of the film
The type of the film
The setting
The plot
The characters
The opinion
Suggested Answers:

The name of the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The type of the film Wuxia or martial arts
The setting the story, in the early 1800s, Peking rooftops, the deserts of western China
The plot fall in love with, a good friend, get the stolen sword back
The characters Li Mubai (played by Chow Yun-Fat) and Yu Xiulian (played by Michelle Yeoh)
The opinion a masterpiece of martial arts films, exciting
2.How do you like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?(启发引导,通过对已经学习的文章讨论,说出自己的体会)
A.This is definitely a film worth seeing on a big screen.
B.I’ve never seen such brilliant acting.
C.The only good thing about this film is the martial arts.
D.The fight scenes are some of the most exciting movements.
E.The romantic love between Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian are very moving.
F.The face of Yu Jiaolong is dull.
2.What do you think of the main characters in this movie?
A.Chow Yun-Fat is really a wonderful actor, one can’t forget the perfect performances and the handsome face.
B.Though the face is ordinary, Michelle Yeoh’s beautiful, graceful movements really make us shout in surprise.
3. Discussion
1.Choose your favourite film and then have a discussion about it and make a film review and then fill in the form. (Four students make up a group)
The name of the film
The type of the film
The setting
The plot
The characters
The opinion

参考材料:1.Can you name your favorite films or TV programs?
A.The Hero.
B.The Titanic.
C.Harry Potter.
D.Saving Private Ryan.
E.Modern Times.
F.Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
G.The Legal Reports.
2.What kind of films and TV programs do you like to see/watch?
A.Romantic films.
B.Action films.
C.Adventure films.
E.Martial arts films.
4.Find some groups to tell their results.
(学生四人一组,选出一部他们看过并喜爱的电影,分组进行讨论,之后对电影做一个简单的影评,或者只选择评论电影的情节,某些演员或导演等。 接下来选取几组将他们讨论的结果说一下。)
1. give students 15 minutes to write the passage
2. let students compare their passages, then teacher point out the questions.
Write a passage of the film review about your favourite film.
(选择你最喜爱的电影,用英语写一篇影评。 整理课堂上所写的文章,进一步巩固。)

